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'Intuition'  Series - Artwork 1, 'Trust'

'Intuition' Series - Artwork 1, 'Trust'


Artwork Size: 14 x 18 inch


Acrylic & watercolour with metallic highlights on 14 x 18 inch Cotton canvas board.


Intuiton is knowledge without reason, it is taking the leap of faith to listen to your inner voice and let it guide you. I am currently doing my Yoga Teacher Training course and have recently been focusing a lot on the Chakras and the role they play in all of our lives. Ajna, the 6th Chakra is located at your Third Eye point right between your eyebrows, focussing on this point can help us connect to our intuition. The colour Indigo is a constant presence throughout this series as it is also connected to our intuition. A play of Nudes, Pinks and bursts of Red set the backdrop but Indigo flows throughout, seamlessly guiding you through the series. I'm learning to let go of ideas of what I feel like my Art should look like and instead trying to be happy with just creating it.
Part of a 3 piece series. 

The final image shows the completed series. 


All rights reserved by the artist. 

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